United States National Parks
The United States is home to some of the most unique and stunning natural geographical features in
the world. Over the course of nearly 200 years, 62 of these sites have been designated as National
Parks. Every year, these parks support as many as 90 million visitors.
2020 has been a challenging year for many people. The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has altered daily
life, making it difficult to engage in many recreational activities. Throughout this time, outdoor
spaces have consistently offered a safer alternative to indoor activities, while promoting physical
activity. Fortunately, the United States is home to an incredibly varied and and beautiful
landscape. This is made even more accessible by the National Parks System.
Our project begins with an exploration of the effect that the pandemic has had on visitations to the
National Parks, followed by an overview of the history and location of the parks, and culminates in
an interactive park recommendation based on user preferences.